Scalp Ringworm

Tinea capitis (tinea capitis) is an infection caused by fungi (fungal infection or mycosis) of the scalp and hair. The signs and symptoms of tinea capitis can vary, but usually, it presents as scaly, itchy areas.

Ringworm on scalp is a highly contagious infection, is more common in young children and school-age children.

The treatment of ringworm of the head includes medications that are taken orally to eliminate fungi, as well as medicated shampoos that can decrease the spread of the infection.

Some cases of tinea capitis cause severe inflammation at the site of infection, which can leave scars or cause permanent hair loss.


Close-up image of ringworm of the scalp
Close-up of ringworm of the scalp
Signs and symptoms of tinea capitis (or scalp) include:

One or more areas of scaly skin, where the hair has come off or just above the scalp
Spots that expand or enlarge slowly
Areas of scaly, grayish or reddened appearance
Areas of the scalp with small black spots where the hair has become detached
Brittle or brittle hair that falls off easily
Areas of the scalp sensitive or painful with palpation
When to consult with the doctor

Several conditions of the scalp can have a similar appearance. Check with your child's doctor if your child has hair loss, scaly or itchy areas of the scalp, or other unusual appearance of the scalp. It is important to obtain an accurate diagnosis and an immediate and adequate treatment.

Head and Shoulders Dandruff Shampoo Gets rid of Ringworm

I washed my hair and scalp with it because ringworm was going into my back of my scalp.  Maybe it was psychological but that area was feeling very itchy.  The dandruff shampoo along with my tea tree oil and lamisil helped to stop the itching. Essential oils are also great for ringworm. After I washed my hair, I washed my whole body in the shampoo.  After that I felt great.  Please note that when you are showering, be sure not to use extremely hot water because it will further inflame the ringworm. 

Dandruff Shampoo contains Pyrithione Zinc and it is typically used for dandruff and dermatitis.  Also it has been used to treat tinea, athletes foot, fungus, eczema, psoriasis, and jock itch. Now many people, like myself, are using it to treat ringworm.  Actually, athletes foot, jock itch and ringworm are cousins.  They can be treated with the same treatment.  I must say right now that it works in that it helps to clean the skin by killing the ringworm fungus.  It also helps to stop the ringworm from spreading to other areas on the body. 

You can find this product in most drugstores and grocery stores.  However, if you cannot find Head and Shoulders, you can use any store brand.  Just make sure it has Pyrithione Zinc as its active ingredient.  Better yet, save even more money and check to see if its at the dollar tree.  The last time I was there, I saw head and shoulders on the shelf.

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